List of Symptoms

You may be suffering from Dry Eye or a related ocular surface disorder if experiencing: Dryness Itchiness Burning Inflammation Gritty Feeling Excess Tearing Moderate to Severe Pain Fatigue Light Sensitivity Decreased Vision See an eye care professional if experiencing ANY eye discomfort.


So while the computer is the aggravator in CVS, a whole host of factors is behind the very common and very irritating condition known as Dry Eyes. Everything from advanced age, contact lens usage, Blephartitis (inflammation of the eye lid),thyroid conditions, specific medical conditions (Sjogren’s syndrome, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and diabetes), certain medications, air-conditioning/heating, smoke, hot/dry/windy climates, hormonal changes, and vitamin A deficiency can cause the quality of the tear film across the ocular surface to diminish. When this happens the eyes can itch, burn, tear excessively, become sensitive to light, and become irritated and red.